The World Safety Organization helps initiate safety organizations, gives incentives and support to others, and encourages advanced organizations in highly developed countries to share their expertise and wealth of knowledge with those needing this data. The WSO conducts conferences, symposiums, and international congresses. The resulting findings, recommendations, and resolutions are for worldwide implementation as needed. The WSO promotes safety / accident prevention professions and related fields. It strives for continuous professional development of and increased benefits for all practitioners in these fields. The WSO strives to coordinate functions, activities, operations, and related works with other international bodies and organizations. The WSO supports activities of other national and international professional organizations in their attempts to protect people, property, resources, and the environment.

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WSO Offers Student Memberships

The WSO Student Membership is available for any student in middle or high school, or a college/university undergraduate or graduate/postgraduate degree program.
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Looking for a New Career

WSO posts career opportunities in the safety industry. See the latest open positions in our Career Center.  
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