Exam times will vary by exam. You will have from two to three hours to complete your exam once your time period has started.
Exam times will vary by exam. You will have from two to three hours to complete your exam once your time period has started.
Yes, we do! WSO offers three study guides: WSO Professional Level (WSO-CSE, -CSM, -CSSD, and -CSS); WSO Hazardous Materials (WSO-CHMT, -CHMS, and -CHME); and the WSO Entry Level. Please contact the WSO Membership and Certification Coordinator for more information or to order: 1-660-747-3132 or certification@worldsafety.org.
Once we have your application for certification, the two candidate evaluation forms, and a current resume/CV, we will process this package and send it to the WSO Certification Board for their evaluation. It takes two to three weeks to get the Board responses back in our office. If you are approved for a certification that